Tuesday, February 26, 2013

February Horse 2013

Dear Everyone:

This folk art painting of a white horse
honours my sister, my mother and myself's
love of horses.

My mother always fostered our interest.

We have all ridden horses at various times
of our lives.

My sister is now a vet and owns a horse-farm.




Thursday, February 21, 2013

Top model 2013

Dear Everyone:

I sometimes sketch and paint
faces from fashion magazines.

Here is my latest effort.



Monday, February 18, 2013

Winter Symphony 2013

Dear Everyone:

Just a charming Winter shot.



Sunday, February 17, 2013

Aspirations poem 2013

Dear Everyone:

Here is my latest poem.


I've thought how to defeat regret
Push self to limits
Challenge self to the nines
Then skewer regret with success
Try not to return to square one
and revisit old themes
Move forward always
What's your goal?
Hints of success come early
So keep on using aspirations
to wipe out the past
My aspiration is to run
Developing physical fitness
Train like an Olympic athlete
Check in with me now and
somewhat later
I'll run in circles round you
Ambition runs the regrets away


Thursday, February 14, 2013

Valentines Day 2013

Dear Everyone:

Happy Valentines Day!!



Sunday, February 10, 2013

Craving Beauty Poem 2013

Dear Everyone:

Here is my latest poem.


I gulp down fashion and interior
magazines like water in a desert
The images nourish me
Sometimes they spark creative impulses
I don't buy the goods inside
except on rare occasions
There is no practical use to the images
They simply feed a quest for beauty
They make me feel connected to beauty
Collecting art does the same mission
Painting my walls a kaleidoscope of
colours also suffices
I crave beauty
I photograph beauty-
conventional or not
An industrial tower fronted by daylilies
A black and white image of maple leaves
Close-ups of dahlias in the public gardens
A young woman with startling pink hair
Lastly, I paint
Someone trying to find the thread
connecting my interests might falter
It is clear to me if no-one else
It is beauty
Poetry captures it, as well
Do read on.


Saturday, February 9, 2013

Quadrupled Poem

Dear Everyone:

This is my newest poem.


I can't stop the march of time
but being present for the first time
in my life
I quadruple my lifetime
by really living it
All of a sudden a moment
can extend lengthwise
and I'm in it
Extension. Expansion.
I open a can of beans
I sit at a garage
as my car gets repaired
I am open, exposed and
It hurts almost to be in
the now
Where was I before in my life
I barely showed up for it
I wait out a snowstorm
Now time passes slowly. Exquisitely.
I read about a poet.
I eat chocolate.
Hey! This is my life.

Feedback welcome.


Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Graffitti Revisited 2013

Dear Everyone:

Here are 2 shots of the entire wall of graffitti.

I sometimes wonder if graffitti artists
have any other outlet of artistic expression.




Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Graffitti 2013

Dear Everyone:

These images represent my continued
interest in graffitti.

I think of graffitti as street-art and often
find it quite attractive.

Here are 2 close-ups of some graffitti
with more images to follow tomorrow.




Saturday, February 2, 2013

Tropical scene revisited 2013

Dear Everyone:

I continue to be fascinated by
the concept of taking a tropical
vacation to escape Winter.

This is the second image in
my tropical scene series.


